Dyslexia Mom Life™
My child is struggling to learn to read, write, and spell. How can I help my child be successful? Where do I even start? Why does this seem so hard? These are just a few of the questions that educator and attorney, Nicole Holcomb, answers in the Dyslexia Mom Life Podcast. You are not alone in this journey of raising a child or children with dyslexia. Each episode is authentic and inspiring. If you want to learn more about the world of dyslexia from a mom who is living it every day and strategies to go from surviving to thriving as a mother, then subscribe to the Dyslexia Mom Life Podcast today.
Dyslexia Mom Life™
114 | Write Down Your Hangcliffers
One of the many things I love about raising a daughter with dyslexia is that I learn from her every single day. I love the way she sees the world and I love even more how she shares the things she sees and thinks about.
That's where hangcliffers was born!
It started out as a typical night where we were watching a tv series with our daughter and this episode was the last one for the season. It ended without really ending. You know, the ones where you are left not knowing what happened next. My daughter stood up and said with a very serious face and tone she said to us “that was a real hangcliffer.”
I've had many moms raising dyslexic kiddos share similar stories. So, how are we going to remember all of these amazing words, expressions, and ideas of our kids growing up? Write them down.
Listen to learn the benefits of writing it down in letters to your kiddo and how to get started today.
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