Dyslexia Mom Life™

120 | It's Not Your Fault . . . Release It!

Nicole Holcomb Season 4 Episode 120

When you begin your dyslexia journey, you may feel like it's all your fault.  You blame yourself that you did not see the signs - the struggles with homework, taking longer to complete classwork, and complaining of stomach aches before going to school.  When you look back now, it seems like it is all so obvious.   But, it's not that easy.
Then the teacher asks you if have been reading 20 minutes a night with your child and you think I'm doing good just to get through the homework some nights.  You think you are failing at this whole parenting thing!  

It's time to release all the blame and shame.   How?  Listen to this episode to learn more about how to release feelings of shame and blame. 

You Got This!

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