Dyslexia Mom Life™

124 l Empower Your Dyslexic Child

Season 4 Episode 124

When we expect our kids to make mistakes, we open the door to greatness.   We learn so much from what does not work as we do from what does work.  But, when you focus only on your child's weaknesses, they do too.     
Dyslexic children often feel defeated and have a loss of confidence . . . let's help our children not lose themselves along their reading journey. 

How can you help your child?  Start by identifying,  nurturing, and empowering your child's dyslexia strengths a.k.a superpowers.

In this episode, learn to:

(1) Identify your child's superpower
(2) Nurture your child's gifts
(3) Empower your child's strengths

You Got This!

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