Dyslexia Mom Life™

140 | Deep Dive into Dyslexia: What Lies Below the Surface

Nicole Holcomb Season 5 Episode 140

The iceberg is a great way to visualize dyslexia. Above the water, you see the small visible part. Things like difficulty with reading, spelling, and writing. That’s what most people recognize as dyslexia.

But what’s beneath the surface? A range of cognitive differences affect memory, processing speed, organization, and even self-esteem. These hidden struggles can impact a person’s entire life - not just in school but in work, relationships, and everyday tasks.

As a parent raising a child with dyslexia, it is important to realize that the areas you do not see can impact your child and family daily. If you don't recognize the areas under the iceberg, you may look up one day and see you have hit the iceberg and not have a boat (or plan) to get out without a Titanic moment.

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